As usual, Kass speaks the truth. And calls out the Emperor's new clothes. Folks seem to love the new Harris/Walz team without having a clue about their previous positions or policy beliefs.
Can Harris and Walz Keep Hiding Who They Are?
By John Kass
Aug. 11, 2024
Are Kamala Harris and Tim Walz just too weird to win election in November?
Or are they the two Democrats that America needs right now dammit, a special pair that have the unique ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been?
I just can’t say. I’m just a guy who spent his life working in the American news media, much of that time writing a political column at a well-known conservative Chicago newspaper. But after the Black Lives Matter riots of 2020, the paper went woke and then broke and neo-Marxists took the newsroom. I hear them and what remains of the chattering class talking gibberish and jaberwocky about how “Democracy Dies in Darkness” with Harris avoiding any meaningful news conferences, and I’m just about as dazed and confused as the rest of you.
But nagging questions persist. Chief among them: Will Harris and Waltz continue to hide their true selves as what is left of a broken media covers for them?
For example, is is too weird to suggest Vice President Harris–a famous coddler of criminals and George Soros prosecutor zero who unleashed a national crime wave allowed masked thugs to smash-and-grab up t0 $950 in stolen goods a day–has now transformed herself into a stern border warrior who is tough crime? Or is her tough-on-crime pose and her feigned concern over the broken border simply more tapioca pudding shoveled at foolish infants?
And is her Democrat running mate Minnesota Gov. “Tampon Tim” Walz too weird for mandating tampons for middle-school boys at Minnesota schools?
Hmm. Are feminine napkins for schoolboys just too weird, or is all this in keeping with the pursuit of the new “fweedoms” Harris and Walz keep yammering about to their chorus at MSNBC? It’s just rather confusing now that the left wing corporate “mainstream media” (which is anything but ‘mainstream’ ) allows Harris’ and Walz’ true identities to remain masked and hidden. But if they win this election will they finally reveal themselves as did the Jacobins of the French Revolution? Of course. Because by then it will be too late.
Currently, the true nature of the Democrat Party remains hidden. The Jacobins could not win election if their first promise was to crush freedom and lop off the heads of the nobles. It all remains obscure, like their smiles.
And rather like the masks Americans were forced to wear in lockdown states with lockdown governors like Minnesota and Illinois, where we were discouraged from gathering together in our homes on the holidays. We were prohibited from attending church services on Sundays, and public schools were closed, but our political leaders allowed us to worship of sorts at box liquor store and get high on state-approved weed. Remember?
Today’s Democrat is not the Democrat Party I remember, that party of Richard J. Daley in Chicago, the party that loved America like Harry S. Truman. But this Democrat Party preparing to gather in Chicago on August 19 is a gathering of Jacobins. They are all about selling abortion and racial hate. And as such they are nihilists, as were the French Revolutionaries. This is the Democrat Party that is driven to destroy the political system, the party that destroys the old icons and statues, the party that changes the foundational dates, from 1776 to 1619, the party that whips up racial animosity as they did during the insurrectionary Black Lives Matter riots of 2020. The party that sells abortions as “freedom.”
Have you forgotten the BLM riots to glorify the criminal George Floyd, the thug who held a loaded to the abdomen of a pregnant woman? Those the leftist riots in his name destroyed Chicago and other cities like Minneapolis. Have you forgotten, even as the national news media wants you to forget? It was Gov. Walz who let Minneapolis burn, and he took days and days to call out the National Guard as his aides worried if the guard was diverse enough to handle the riots.

His refusal to call the national guard? What was that? Or the lies he told about his own National Guard service wile he abandoned his troops on the eve of war, like some cheap character in a movie like “The Four Feathers”? And what of Harris’ famous Bail fund during the BLM riots as Walz let Minneapolis burn?

During the Minneapolis BLM riots, Gov. Walz was criticized for being too slow to react, waiting days and days without action as Minneapolis burned to the ground. And his daughter was lit up using social media to tip off the rioters, and his wife opened the windows so she could smell the city burning. Did it smell like victory?
My question: How did they fiddle as Minnesota burned and why has the media covered them?
As Walz wrung his hands, a suspect released with the help of a nonprofit organization operating a Minnesota bail fund endorsed by Vice President Kamala Harris was charged with murder. Shawn Michael Tillman, a repeat felon, shot and killed a passenger on a light rail platform in St. Paul, Minnesota in May after reportedly being released from jail for indecent exposure thanks to the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF).
I’m reminded that the stark policy differences between Harris Walz and Trump Vance, differences that are just too glaring to brush away; on crime and taxes, regulations, the economy, energy independence, and the border that Biden, Harris and the Democrats have broken, allowing at least 10 million illegals to break into our country, and they’re provided welfare and other benefits courtesy of the American taxpayer.
“The people just won’t stand for it,” said a friend, a former longtime Chicago Daley Democrat now supporting Donald J. Trump. “The people just won’t take it,” he said.
They won’t?
I hope and pray that I’m wrong about this, but I’m not a dealer in Marxist incantations: I am burdened by what has gone before. In the west we call this history.
Think about it for a minute. The media hates conservatives and the middle class. And by the media I mean NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, even the puppy training paper, the Sun Times, USA Today and the rest. I was among them for decades. I know how they think and what they think about you. They despise you as rubes. I remember now how they covered for the Democrats when the 51 intelligence officials lied and insisted the Hunter Biden laptop was a product of Russian disinformation (it wasn’t). But they got old Joe into the White House even though he was all but senile, to cement Obama’s third term.
And you haven’t forgotten the corporate media insisted that the Russia Collusion scandal was a scandal (it wasn’t) and on and on.
They gave themselves Pulitzer Prizes and other awards. They bragged that they protected the republic and although they’re going broke they’re still selling papers and TV and radio ads for the time being, so they’ll get through the next five, six months, selling the big lie to the American people who don’t want to believe that the corporate media is a racket for chumbolones. They’re running out the clock, just like Harris and Walz, and if they win the election they might show us the other side of their face. If they feel like it.
But by then it’ll be too late. If Democrats win this one, complaining about the First Amendment and how “misinformation” must be crushed out, I don’t think there will be any way to vote ourselves out of it. It’ll be done. They’ll have complete and final institutional control. They insist there’s no going back now, but what they want is to force us into their brave new world without gas powered cars, without gas stoves, where we shut up and forget and do what we’re told. There will be no going back for us from Room 101.
Walz won’t be so fatherly. Harris won’t be our “Mamala.” But she’ll go back to laughing. And she’ll laugh and laugh.