That's why every time a corporate CEO gets caught doing something bad or is forced to resign they claim their stepping down to spend "more time with their family".
Family comes first
Spending time with family is of the utmost importance to people across the US, with a whopping 73% of Americans describing it as “one of the most important things” to them personally, according to recent data from Pew Research Center.
More than 9 in 10 people put family time into the top category or the “very important” bucket, a clear sign that, although the amount of time we spend alone tends to increase as we age, the hours and minutes spent with family are of very high value compared to other life factors.
Top priorities
Nothing else on the list was as unanimously valued. Only 32% of those surveyed ranked practicing religious faith as "one of the most important things" to them personally, while being physically active and being outdoors & experiencing nature captured 31% and 29%, respectively.
While being successful in one’s career is “one of the most” or “very” important things to just 66% of people in the US, it’s still far ahead of pursuits like taking part in a creative activity or involvement in social and political causes, for which just 43% and 28% of Americans said the same, respectively.