You compared to John, I'm a barrel of laughs.
What Happened to the Women, the Mothers of America, with the Wolves at the Door?
By John Kass
January 7, 2024
There was one thing you knew one thing to be true when you were a child: Your mother would defend you with her life.
Or, if she was absent, the other women in the family would step forward toward the threat, the aunts and grandmothers. Even if all they had were spoons to face the wolves, they would defend you.
You were theirs.
No matter the year, no matter what the politics were at the time, Democrats or Republicans in the White House, Congressmen accusing each other of corruption or stupidity, or if there were wars or if there was peace, no matter what the reason. It was deeper than all of that.
The women were compelled to defend you, and the aunts and the fathers and uncles and brothers, because you were helpless and you were the future of the family, of the clan, of the tribe.
Without you, without the young, there was no future for your people.
So they fought for you rather than die.
But now what has happened to those women? Where did they go?
Their children need them. And there are worse than wolves out there. Consider:
The deadly poison called fentanyl–brought by China and finished in Mexico–illegally imported across the non-existent U.S. border with Mexico continues to kill young Americans. More than 100,000 died this past year. Fentanyl overdose is the single leading killer of young Americans.
Consider 100,000 dead killed by an enemy. Now name that enemy. You can hear the blood curdling screams of the mothers, can’t you?
But in America we have difficulty naming the enemy, lest we be expected to do something about it, or so the ruling bi-partisan Combine that rules the U.S. Senate seems to think.
So where are the mothers screaming, demanding an end to the open border? Where are the women to fill the corridors of governments, staging sit-ins, splashing red paint on themselves, chanting as they did when the subject was abortion and they screamed at the Supreme Court for daring to send the issue where it could be decided by the states?
Their children are dying. More than one hundred thousand have been murdered by the Mexican drug cartels and the Chinese. Where are the women shouting against the Democrats and the president who has allowed the open borders, where are their screams that fentanyl will not be allowed to kill their children?
Where are they now?
They don’t need any spoons. Or wolves. All they need are themselves. Their presence.
But where are they? I’m told they are out there and silently angry, but I have my doubts as to whether they care or not. We were assured that self-preservation would have sent them out as part of the much-anticipated “Red Wave” mid-term election of 2022, but there was no wave, only a splash that broke upon the Democrat pro-abortion rocks.
The single ones rushed to elect Democrats and protect their “rights” to take the lives of their babies. And what did their mothers do?
Meanwhile, the abortion mills continued taking the lives of the innocent unborn children.
What happened to the women? Where did they go?
And now another feature of the grotesque times we live in: Transgender Boxers and Biological Males competing in physical combat against women.
Where are the women?
Women’s athletics were critically important once to the well rounded development of young women and the complete development of young men, as they cheered on their sisters and other women athletes. But the transgender politics of the left has killed all that.
Pro-transgender pressure groups have intimidated Americans into silence on the issue. Transgender athlete University of Pennsylvania Lia Thomas–a biological male–destroyed his competition in “women’s swimming” and destroyed the sport. The female athletes and their families were intimidated into silence. And now the trans left has a new holy grail to pursue.
Biological men competing against biological women in the boxing ring. You know what will happen? Visit a morgue. Look at a homicide victim, a woman beaten to death. The dark bruises. The windpipes broken. Breathing passages smashed. It happens every day.
But now they want to call it sport for money, for their glory, and they want you silent.
They want you silent in acquiescence. In compliance.
Where are the women, the mothers? And where are the fathers I remember at the soccer fields and softball diamonds cheering their daughters on? I loved watching my nieces like I loved watching the boys. They loved their daughters participating in athletics. In Chicago, girls’ sports were part of community and parish life.
Now, crickets.
Don’t they dare condemn what the political left has done to our culture and to the lives of those they love?
USA Boxing, the governing body of the sport in the U.S., will not allow biological men to compete against biological women in the boxing ring.
Boxers under the age of 18 still must compete against their birth gender, but older boxers under the new policy included in the 2024 rule book, male boxers who transition can compete in the female category so long as they meet certain criteria. Adults must complete “gender reassignment” surgery (meaning castration for males) but that still doesn’t address the main difference between biological female and biological male athletes:
Power and force.
These are developed by bone density and muscle mass, and it is all built and developed in the human physical machine through puberty. According to studies by the National Institutes of Health, a punch by a man has 162 percent force than a punch thrown by a woman.
Just study the physics. I understand the trans politics of intimidation and shaming that has silenced women and men when it comes to males competing against women in swimming. It is the same fear of shaming that keeps those corporate fathers silent. It is the same fear that that compelled Anheuser-Busch into silence as executives there selected transgender Dylan Mulvaney as “spokesmodel” for Bud Light and so destroyed their brand and cost so many jobs.
Who drinks Bud Light? No matter how much they pay Peyton Manning to shill for it, American men won’t drink it.
On Fox News, the champion female swimmer Riley Gaines ridiculed USA Boxing officials and those trans-politicos who defend it.
“Of course, we all know this. I don’t even have to have a science degree to know this. This is basic common knowledge,” said Gaines. “And let me be the first to say women are not just a testosterone level. And we’re not just men who merely don’t have male genitalia, which is the policy that USA Boxing has in place now. Of course, we know in regard to this topic, we know about the unfair competition aspect. But the safety of women has been compromised by USA Boxing’s new policies and guidelines.
“And I think my biggest problem with this new implementation is that we are now glorifying men — we’re calling them champions, we’re giving them titles, they’re winning prize money — for punching women in the face,” Gaines said. “That’s the purpose of boxing or MMA, any fighting sport that requires physical contact like boxing does. We’re glorifying that. We’re calling it progressive. Make no mistake, this is not progress. This is not moving us in the positive, forward direction. This is incredibly regressive. This is taking us back in time and it’s utterly misogynistic.”
Mike Tyson, the former heavyweight champion once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
Many years ago I had a fantasy: That I would become the boxing writer and food critic for a major metropolitan newspaper. Boxing and combat was one of the manly virtues, along with courage and temperance. You have to control yourself in the ring. I did a little fighting. I like it. And I learned how to take a punch, at a few small karate tournaments.
I never fought a killer like Tyson, not even my younger brother Nick, but I know what it’s like to have my broken jaw wired shut for weeks.
Now I suppose I’d throw my cane at them and scream.
Mike Tyson is correct. Everybody has a plan until they take one in the mouth. But how many of us can remember what it was like to take a punch? Even in a kid schoolyard fight?
The culture has changed. School yard fighting has been outlawed. Even talking about something we once called a “manly virtue” is now outlawed. Now the masculine virtues are considered the province of women. And men? They’ve been brutalized by the phrase “toxic masculinity,” and now they’re encouraged to stay silent as transgender athletes–with power and bone density and muscle mass–compete against their much weaker daughters.
They say nothing. They remain quiet, corporately afraid to defend their daughters and perhaps lose their social standing in the suburban Chardonnay ANTIFA.
Once most men knew what it was like to throw a punch in anger. We watched a big prizefight, most Americans could relate. Not now. We don’t even know how to discuss it or explain it any longer. We’ve lost the words for it. We’ve forgotten. Our muscle memory has been lost. The muscles themselves have atrophied. Our language to describe the action has been lost.
It was our mom who told us to square off and fight to protect each other, to protect our family, our girl cousins, the defenseless. Teachers oncer understood boys and how they played and competed.
The new generation of public educators seem at odds with and afraid of boys, as if they’re a bother, wild creatures to be controlled, feared, dominated, tamed and gentled before any of that “toxic masculinity” takes root. Colleges of education are dominated by the political left and have been for generations.
Now kids don’t square off and start punching. You’ve seen the videos on social media: They don’t fight fairly, one-on-one, instead they stomp loners to death in feral screeching mobs and claim they’re the victims of oppression; or they grab guns and spray the playgrounds in mass shootings and claim they’re the victims of oppression.
And the women?
Where did they go? What happened to the mothers?
Where are they?
The hands that rocked the cradle once ruled the world. But now, as the Southern border remains open allowing all that poison in from China and Mexico; and women athletes with the Olympic fighting spirit are warned to keep their mouths shut lest they be denounced and silenced by the pro-transgender lobby, all we hear is quiet.
All we hear is silence from the women, from mothers just when they’re needed most, with snow on the ground and the wolves outside the door, scratching, scratching, scratching to get inside.
(Copyright 2023 John Kass)